Referral Program

Boost your wallet by $1000 – refer someone today!

Help us fill a job!

We pay a cash referral bonus to those who refer us to individuals we place with our clients.

Amount $1000.00


  • You provide the name and contact details of the person and allow us to use your name when we introduce ourselves.
  • The individual you refer must not be on a short list with us at the time of referral
  • The individual must accept a job we find for them, and stay on the job 90+ days
  • This is taxable income that will be reported to the IRS. You will receive a 1099.
  • This bonus is in force for 365 days from the date of referral
  • You cannot refer yourself, but feel free to refer your spouse/significant other/family
  • Human Resources professionals are excluded from this program

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