Becoming a Major Player in ‘The Second Act’
“The Second Act”- men and women over the age of 55 choosing to stay in, or re-enter, the job market is growing and the impact that it’s having on the workforce is becoming more pronounced.
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“The Second Act”- men and women over the age of 55 choosing to stay in, or re-enter, the job market is growing and the impact that it’s having on the workforce is becoming more pronounced.
By Dan Simmons Continuing in the hypothetical situation about “Paul,” here are some tips on handling a courtesy interview. What to Say On the Call “Hi! My name is XX, and I’m the Director of XX at Great Employer. I was speaking with XX today, and he recommended that I give you a call. [...]
The Art of the Courtesy Interview is a well-defined plan on how to develop professionals for your company outside of the standard hiring routine.