Almost everyone out there would like a better job. But not everyone prepares themselves for finding and landing that better job. They just keep on dreaming about it . . . imagine how far they’ll get with that approach.
If you’re serious and really do want a better job, you’re going to need to ask yourself some tough questions. These are the type of questions people aren’t comfortable asking themselves, so sitting around daydreaming about having a better job is what they do instead. But, if you’re really ready to make some changes in your life then you may be time to ask yourself the hard questions, starting with the hardest:
Would you be considered a top candidate?
Top candidates are in the top 30% of their industry. Try to answer this question honestly and objectively. Let me explain what being in the top 30% actually means. This means you’re asking for top dollar and to get it you’ll deed to demonstrate the following:
Successful track record – You can show a history of top performance at your jobs. You have copies of your evaluations, can substantiate awards you’ve received and can show letters of recommendation.
Realistic income expectations – What you are asking for lines up with your worth, the value you bring to the table.
Smart career choices – Your resume reflects wise choices that moved you forward to better jobs carrying more responsibility and/or to better organizations or companies.
Continually improving your skills – Since graduation you have been improving your skills and can list how. You’ve read books on your industry or on selling, earned a technical certification and/or have become an expert on an aspect of your industry and perhaps been asked to speak on this or to train others.
Stability – You job history shows that you usually remain with an employer for at least five years, which means you are considered a low-risk hire.
You present yourself professionally – You dress appropriately for your profession and can confidently talk about your successes without coming off as arrogant or conceited.
You are held in high esteem – You can provide references who will attest to your accomplishments and praise you to the hilt.
You are easy to get along with – People like having you on their team; you work well with others and are fun to have around.
If you cannot answer these questions in the affirmative, then you may not be in the top 30%. If that’s the case, now is as good a time as any to stop with the daydreaming and do something to get you to the top. It’s time to face the fact that corporate America is looking for great talent, people who are considered top performers. They have no interest in interviewing, much less hiring people in the bottom two-thirds.