After a successful face-to-face interview with a company, there are two decisions you must make:
- Whether or not the position is the right one for you
- What kind of offer you’d be willing to accept
Neither of these are easy decisions. To help in the decision-making process, below are 11 factors you should consider.
- Starting salary, benefits, and perks—If you’re close to the offer stage, you’ve probably already discussed these in some detail with a company official, as well as your potential opportunities for future compensation. Ask yourself how much of a motivator salary is in this process. It’s important to determine what the minimum salary is that you will accept and then stick to that figure when the offer is extended.
- Position title—Does your new title denote a step up the career ladder, or could it be construed as a lateral move? And how important is position title in relation to the other things on this list?
- Decision-making autonomy—This encompasses your freedom to implement new ideas and affect change. How much authority and responsibility will you be given to complete projects and tasks on time?
- Challenge of tasks—To be satisfied with their position, many workers need to be adequately challenged. What promise does this new opportunity hold in that area?
- Access to professional development—Will you have the opportunity to gain new knowledge and experience? Will ongoing training be part of your job description?
- Company/industry growth—How stable is the company? What kind of potential does it have for growth in the industry?
- Promotion potential—What kind of potential exists for upward mobility? Are you being groomed for a bigger and better position, and how long will it take to get there if you worked at your maximum level of effectiveness and efficiency?
- Commuting distance—Studies show that more people are commuting longer distances for work purposes. If the new position requires a longer commute, that should definitely factor into your decision.
- Work environment—This involves the physical environment, where you’ll actually be working. Is it an office? Will you be traveling a lot?
- Rapport with co-workers and management—Chemistry is extremely crucial to achieving satisfaction in the workplace. (This may be one of the main reasons you’re looking for a new opportunity.)
- Comfort with the corporate culture—The size of the company has a lot to do with corporate culture. Is the company you’re interviewing with a lot larger than your current company? Are you interested in working for a much larger company?
Evaluating a job offer is an important task, one that requires careful consideration. By using each of the factors above, you’ll be better able to make a decision that’s ultimately the right one for you.
Download our FREE e-Book, “Evaluating an Employment Offer”! This e-Book is comprised of a master list broken into three sections. The first section deals with basic information, the second with relocation, and the third with executive considerations. Each section contains detailed information, but is presented in a simple format that can be easily applied to any opportunity. Click here to download “Evaluating an Employment Offer”!