Since you’ve clicked on this post, I will assume that your HR department has had more than its fair share of people turning down your offers. You’re reading this because you’d like to find out how to make an offer that no one can refuse, especially with the state of our industry today. If so, read on.
We all know that the basics involve start date, title and compensation. That doesn’t look too enticing, does it? This is why it is important to provide them with as much info as you can, and perks too, if possible. Our FREE ebook, “Presenting the Complete Offer” discusses all the factors that will make any job offer look attractive.
Do you need help creating enticing job offers? Give me a call or send me an email. I’d be happy to help you create a job offer to woo top talent.
About us
Continental Search recruits for feed manufacturers, their suppliers and integrated food companies across the US and Canada. Our team of 6 recruiters and 3 researchers have over 80 years of combined experience recruiting. For more recruiting tips and information on us, visit or call (888) 276-6789.