
In my 25+ years of experience, I have found Lou Adler, the CEO and founder of The Adler Group, a consulting and training firm that helps companies and recruiters improve their systems, to be the most insightful leader in recruiting.

Lou wanted to create was a One-Question Interview, a stand-alone query that would pierce through the veneer of generalizations, and overcome typical candidate nervousness.  This question minimizes the impact of the candidate’s personality on the interviewer, eliminates the exaggeration which many candidates adopt as an interviewing ploy and determines if the candidate is competent and motivated to do the work required.

Lou created this question.  What single project or task would you consider the most significant accomplishment in your career so far?

To see why this simple question is so powerful, try it out on yourself. Imagine you are the candidate and I have just asked you this question. What accomplishment would you select? Then imagine over the course of the next 5-20 minutes all I could learn about the depth of experience you have, your work style, how you interact with other and more.

Learn how our team can help you recruit great talent in animal nutrition and health.  Email us today to set up an appointment to discuss your needs.  Contact Dan Simmons, CPC at

About us

Continental Search recruits for feed manufacturers and their suppliers across the US and Canada.  Our team of 6 recruiters and 3 researchers have over 80 years of combined experience recruiting.  For more recruiting tips and information on us, visit or call (888) 276-6789.