If you are considering a counter-offer, it could be due to your boss or co-workers making you feel sorry for them or guilty for leaving. They are being selfish. If they cared about you, they would wish you well. This new job is a great opportunity.
Ask any recruiter if you should take a counter offer and they will tell you absolutely not. We have all been trained to say this and most of the time it is wise. Occasionally there are reasons to take a counter-offer; following are five that come to mind. If you are really thinking about accepting a counter-offer then here are the best reasons to stay:
5 Reasons to Turn Down a Great Job and Keep Your Old One
- The president of the company has decided that you are more valuable to the company than your boss and he/she is firing him and promoting you with a huge salary increase. Maybe you should stay put.
- During your interview process with your potential employer, a great company bought your present employer and you have a great opportunity that was not present before.
- Your family will hate you for making this change.
- The company that offered you the job is changing the rules or has just been acquired by another company or is suddenly involved in scandal. (Example – Enron)
- You hit the lottery and want to hang out every day with old friends.
If any of these situations arise, talk with your family, recruiter, potential employer and an executive at present employer. Discuss this situation and go with your gut instinct.
Otherwise, rather than accept a counter-offer, take the new opportunity and gain additional experience. If it turns out in a year or two that you made a mistake, then call your old boss. If you were really valuable to the team, he or she will find a job for you.
Check out our ebook to help you determine what to do with your counter-offer.
Evaluating a job offer by Daniel C. Simmons, CPC
Evaluating an Employment Offer — How can Benjamin Franklin help you evaluate an offer of employment? Find out in this e-Book, which takes a “common sense” approach (which smacks more of Thomas Paine than Ben Franklin) in determining whether you should accept an offer . . . or stay at your current job.
“Evaluating an Employment Offer” is comprised of a master list broken into three sections. The first section deals with basic information, the second with relocation, and the third with executive considerations. Each section contains detailed information but is presented in a simple format that can be easily applied to any opportunity.