Windows in poultry houses? Trust me, it isn’t just to improve the view. Poultry Health Today recently published an interesting video that talks about the importance of light for broilers.

Poultry Health Today spoke with Rachel Lynn Dennis, Ph.D., who is an assistant professor at the University of Maryland. UV light improves the environment for broilers and may possibly enhance productivity, as well.

Dennis wanted to know what effect it would have on broilers at different stages of development. She designed a study for four groups of birds as follows: UV light for the first three weeks of life, UV light only at four to five weeks of life, UV light for entire five weeks starting from day-of-age, and birds without UV light.

Please note that all groups had the same white light in their environment. The ones with UV light ate more and they also did not forage in areas where there was no food. There was a noted reduction in fear response to humans. Her conclusion was that birds preferred UV or UV and white light to only white light. You can read the full article and watch the video here.

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Trish Valenzuela, CPC/ PRC • Poultry Recruiter

Trish Valenzuela specializes in recruiting for poultry feed additive companies. She has filled positions in technical support, sales, and sales management across the USA.

Trish joined Continental Search in July 2015, and through hard study, she passed two certification programs. She is now a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC) and a Professional Recruiting Consultant (PRC).

Visit her LinkedIn profile to connect with her and stay updated with current poultry trends. You can reach her at (302) 248-8242, through LinkedIn, or at