I devote a good deal of time scouring the web for the latest news in the poultry industry so I can keep up with industry trends and identify the key people in the industry for our clients. I came across an interesting video produced by Poultry Health Today that will interest people in the layer industry. It discusses the benefits of cage free growing.
A happy chicken is supposed to be a good layer. In this video, John Brown, DVM with Zoetis who specializes in layer health. He talks about cage free birds and how life out of the cage can affect their laying performance.
While it does improve hen well-being, it might not be ideal for everyone. Please note that there are also cons to this method. Dr. Brown talks of salmonella, coccidiosis, broken bones and even mortality in cage free layers. This may be non-negotiable to some people in the layer industry, given the severity of both conditions.
Salmonella is a serious condition that can cause vomiting and diarrhea in humans. It is one of the most common reasons for food recalls. This is usually carried via feces, eggshells and fomites. Coccidiosis on the other hand, is a protozoa derived from the genus Eimeria. The coccidial oocytes are usually found in areas that contain contaminated feces. This will later be ingested and infect the GI tract of chickens.
Does this mean that “cage free and healthy” is impossible to attain? Brown says that more people should consider this method, especially if salmonella and coccidiosis are the reasons they are hesitant to do so. He says that there are ways to ensure hen health without having to keep them in battery cages.
We believe that this video will interest both industry experts and some consumers.
By the way, my main job is that of a recruiter in the poultry industry. If you are considering a career move, Check out our latest poultry job openings or send me your resume.
Trish Valenzuela, CPC • Recruiter
Trish Valenzuela specializes in recruiting for poultry feed additive companies. She has filled positions in technical support, sales and sales management across the USA.
Trish joined Continental Search in July 2015 and through hard study she passed two certification programs. She is now a Certified Personnel Consultant and a Professional Recruiting Consultant.
Meet Trish at the annual National Meeting on Poultry Health, Processing, and Live Production in Ocean City, Maryland in September.
Send her your resume at trish@consearch.com or call her at (302) 248-8242. Visit her LinkedIn profile to connect with her and stay updated with current poultry trends. Trish can be reached at (302) 248-8242, through LinkedIn or trish@consearch.com.