The National Chicken Council,

which is the oldest and largest national association that represents the broiler industry, has released a set of industry-wide standards. According to an article on The Poultry.Site, the “Chicken Guarantees” were launched. as part of the NCC Chicken Check-In program.


U.S. chicken consumption is currently at an all-time high. The Chicken Check-In program will provide consumers with the reassurance that a set of standard principles will apply to all the chicken available in the market.

Ashley Petersen, Ph.D. is the NCC Senior VP of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs. She says that “NCC and its members remain wholly committed to advancing chicken welfare, continuous improvement, and consumer choice.”

The welfare standards the NCC set ensures that all chickens are raise cage-free. Each chicken must be free of steroids. and added hormones, and they are also monitored. by licensed veterinarians. Farms that raise these chickens.must be train in animal welfare, as well.

You can read the full article from The Poultry Site here. For the latest poultry news, please visit our company website. Follow #ContinentalSearch on LinkedIn and Facebook for the jobs in the poultry industry and other employment opportunities in animal health and nutrition.

Trish Valenzuela • CPC/ PRC • Recruiter

Trish Valenzuela specializes in recruiting for poultry feed additive companies. She has filled positions in technical support, sales, and sales management across the USA.

Trish Valenzuela joined Continental Search in July 2015 from a career as an international flight attendant and as an entrepreneur. Through hard study, she passed two certification programs. She is now a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC) and a Professional Recruiting Consultant (PRC).

Trish works to introduce our services to prospective clients and runs our technical and sales searches. Visit her LinkedIn profile to connect with her and stay updated with current poultry trends. You can reach her at (302) 248-8242, through LinkedIn, or at