Novus on Addressing Customer Pain Points for Profitability

With the recent NCC rules laid out, we were keen to hear about what other producers had to say about quality. Sarah Mikesell, the senior editor for The Poultry Site, spoke to Ed Galo, the managing editor for Novus International’s North American division. Galo says that their profitability relies on focusing on drivers or pain [...]

2017-09-29T13:58:02-05:00September 29th, 2017|

NCC Releases Chicken Guarantees

The National Chicken Council, which is the oldest and largest national association that represents the broiler industry, has released a set of industry-wide standards. According to an article on The Poultry.Site, the “Chicken Guarantees” were launched. as part of the NCC Chicken Check-In program. U.S. chicken consumption is currently at an all-time high. The Chicken [...]

2017-09-21T09:50:36-05:00September 21st, 2017|

Using Power Words to Write a Great Resume

Your resume should always provide an accurate picture of yourself, your work and accomplishments. By keeping your resume updated and by using some of these words your resume should stand out amongst the rest.

2011-02-15T07:00:28-06:00February 15th, 2011|

Choosing The Best Resume Format

A person’s resume is one of the most important pieces in what I like to call their “career advancement puzzle.” There are a lot of items to factor into keeping your portfolio, references, contacts and resume up to date.

2011-01-18T07:00:49-06:00January 18th, 2011|

Continental Search Recruiters Meet at First Roundtable of 2011

January 7, 2011 – Top Recruiters Meet To Discuss Trends and Practices Dan Simmons, CPC of Continental Search and Outplacement, Inc. and Jim Hipskind, the swine and poultry recruiter for CSO, will be joining other recruiting professionals for the first of three roundtable events in 2011. The Round Table Leadership Forum meets throughout the year to discuss industry trends and best practices. The meeting will be on January 7th in Dallas, Texas.

2011-01-05T13:03:58-06:00January 5th, 2011|

Ten Keys to a Dynamite Resume

To help you construct a better, more powerful resume, here are 10 pointers and areas of consideration in regard to your resume’s content and presentation.

2023-03-02T11:51:48-06:00November 30th, 2010|

Preparing for Your Annual Performance Review

(By Don Hunter) Performance reviews are one of the major ways that company officials determine whether or not employees receive an increase in their annual compensation.  The good news?  You can have a definite impact on their decision. Preparation prevents . . . well, you know the rest As with many aspects of your [...]

2023-03-01T17:31:35-06:00November 17th, 2010|

Behavioral-Based Interviewing and the STAR Approach

By Dan Simmons Behavioral-based interviewing is designed to help ensure more targeted and more successful hires.  Although a resume is what initially catches the eye, it’s the characteristics and behaviors the candidate possesses that should ultimately dictate whether or not they’re hired. The first part of the behavioral-based interviewing process is to thoroughly evaluate [...]

2023-03-01T17:24:51-06:00November 9th, 2010|